
Drug Name:

Valaciclovir HCl 500mg, 1000mg Tablets


International Brand: Valtrex/Zelitrex


Valaciclovir HCl 500mg, 1000mg Tablets are Antiviral agents. It treats certain conditions that are caused by viruses in our bodies. It has the presence of Valacyclovir Hydrochloride as an active agent. In India, it is available under the brand of Valcivir whereas internationally, it is marketed under the brand names of Valtrex and Zelitrex.


  • Valtrex in adults is used to treat shingles, caused by herpes zoster as well as cold sores around the mouth.
  • In children, this medication is used to treat chickenpox caused by varicella-zoster, and cold sores around the mouth due to herpes simplex.
  • Outbreaks of genital herpes are also treated by Valaciclovir HCl 500mg, 1000mg Tablets.



Valcivir tablets obstruct the multiplication of viruses in human cells. This stops the current virus from creating new viruses, thereby reducing the risk of the body getting prone to infection.



  • For cold sores: 500 mg, twice daily, at a gap of 12 hours each.
  • For Genital herpes: 500 mg, twice daily for 3 days.
  • For Herpes Zoster: 500 mg, once daily, for 7 days.
  • For chickenpox: 100 mg, to be taken as 500 mg tablet each, twice daily for 3-5 days.


Side effects:

  • Common side effects of Valaciclovir HCl 500mg, 1000mg Tablets are stomach, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tiredness among others.
  • Serious side effects of Zelitrex are mood changes, hallucinations, seizures, convulsions, decreased consciousness, hepatitis, visual abnormalities, liver enzyme abnormalities, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, erythema multiforme, and alopecia.
  • If you experience dark urine, hay fever, yellowing of the skin, or any of the above-mentioned effects getting serious, visit your doctor right away.


Precautions and measures:

  • If you have had a medical history of kidney disease, inform your doctor before getting on this medication of Valcivir.
  • Prohibit or at the very least, limit your consumption of alcohol and marijuana, as they can lead to extreme sleepiness and drowsiness.
  • Avoid physical contact with people so as to not spread the infection to them because cold sores are highly communicable.
  • To prevent kidney damage and dehydration, drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • To avoid the risk of genital herpes being spread to your partner, use protection while having sex, or completely avoid sexual intercourse.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are advised to consume Valcivir tablets only under the strict guidance of their doctor.
  • Do not get any vaccination or immunization done, especially against varicella virus, without consulting your doctor.



Do not consume Acyclovir medication along with Valaciclovir HCl 500mg, 1000mg Tablets.