
Drug Name:

Haloperidol 2mg per ml syrup


International Brand: Serenase



Haloperidol 2mg per ml syrup is used for the treatment of

  • Certain mood disorders
  • Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders
  • Hallucinations
  • Tourette’s syndrome

The medication has the international brand name of serenase and an Indian brand name of serenace.

How does it work?

Serenase syrup falls under the category of psychiatric medication. It works by balancing the disturbed chemicals in the user body and restoring the same. The balance of natural chemicals gets restored in the user’s brain by the consumption of this.

Measures and precautions

  1. Haloperidol 2mg per ml syrup is prescribed by the doctor to treat various mental disorders and hyperactive behavior in children.
  2. The medication is also helpful in preventing suicidal thoughts in its users.
  3. Serenace syrup can be consumed with or without food. They are food-independent.
  4. Consume the haloperidol 2mg per ml syrup as instructed by the doctor. Do not intake the tablets without proper consultation from the doctor.
  5. Immediately consult the doctor, if any undesirable changes occur in the body post-consumption.
  6. Make sure that the course of haloperidol 2mg per ml syrup is completed. Do not stop it in half. It may cause adverse problems.
  7. If any dose of serenace syrup is missed, then it should be taken immediately. However, if the time of the next dose is near then do take the next dose. do not try to double the doses.
  8. Seek the help of a doctor in the case of overdose. It is advised to not overdose on this medication. But if it happens, then do take the help of a doctor for it.
  9. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not intake syrup,as it is not good for their health. It can also harm their baby.
  10. The tablets are safe with the usage of alcohol as no adverse effect is observed in this case.
  11. Patients with allergies should not consume these pills as they are not good for them.
  12. The doses are based on the patient’s medical conditions and the response towards them.


  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty in urination
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Muscle spasms
  • Stiffing of fingers
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking
  • Abdominal pain
  • Yellowing of eyes and skin
  • Dark urine
  • Irregular heartbeats


Some drug interactions lead to irregular heart rhythms. The drugs are: sotalol, amiodarone, dofetilide, quinine, procainamide, and antibiotics. It is advised to not take these drugs with the serenace syrup for the prevention of side-effects.