
Drug Name:

Posaconazole 100mg Tablets


International Brand: Noxafil


Posaconazole 100mg tablets are the class of antifungal medicines that are given to patients who have very weak immune systems.  In the weak immune system, various fungal infections can harp on the body and start creating havoc inside the body.  Azole antifungal ingredients are the main components of the drug which are useful in the treatment of the weak immune system.  The medicine comes in an international brand name of Noxafil and an Indian brand name of Picasa.


How does it work?

Noxafil tablets work by stopping the growth of all types of fungal populations in the body of the user.  The active ingredients of the medication help in degrading the genetic material of the fungi; hence, it decreases the growth of the fungi in the body.


Measures and Precautions

  1. The Posaconazole 100mg tablets are consumed orally, through the mouth. No other means should be entertained.
  2. It is advised to not skip any dose of the tablets. Do complete the full course of the treatment even when you feel better.
  3. While on the consumption of the tablets, it is advised to take the meal at the same time every day.
  4. Before starting the doses of the Posaconazole 100mg tablets, tell your doctor about the whole medical history. This helps in prescribing a dose for the Picasa tablets.
  5. Start by reading all the instructions of the medication guide very carefully. To not make any kind of mistake, the doctor’s instructions should be followed strictly.
  6. For getting the best results, the Posaconazole 100mg tablets should be consumed at regular time intervals.
  7. The dosages of the Picasa tablets are based on the user’s medical history, response to the treatment. After assessing the whole medical condition of the users, the dose is prescribed by the doctor.
  8. Do consume the tablets with meals. The medication is a food-dependent medicine.
  9. Always consult the doctor, if any side effects persist for a longer time.
  10. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not take the Picasa tablets, as it is not good for them.
  11. These tablets work very efficiently when the level of the antifungal medicine in the body is in a moderate amount.
  12. Do not increase or decrease the doses of the tablets on your own. It can harm the user’s body.



Following are the side-effects of the above tablets:

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Tightness in chest
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea



Some major interaction reactions are seen with other anti-fungal medications. Antibiotic medicines also have other certain interaction reactions.