Cernos Depot

Drug Name:

Testosterone Undecanoate 1000mg/4ml Injection


International Brand: Nebido



Testosterone undecanoate 1000mg/4ml injection is used for the treatment of the replacement of testosterone in males. This happens under the conditions of deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone. The medication comes under the international brand name of nebido and an Indian brand name of cernos depot.


How does it work?

Testosterone undecanoate 1000mg/4ml injection works by filling the place of endogenous testosterone in males.


Measures and precautions

  1. Nebido injection is a prescription drug prescribed by the concerned doctor for the treatment of cases of null testosterone.
  2. The males going through a deficiency of testosterone do intake this injection to compensate their hormone levels.
  3. Cernos depot injection is purely for male adults only. Children are prohibited from the use of this.
  4. In the case of children, the injection can cause abnormal bone growth which is not good for the health.
  5. The Testosterone undecanoate 1000mg/4ml injection is not for the usage of women.
  6. The cernos depot injection has a controlled substancethat can cause abuse to the host or user. So, it should be used with caution.
  7. Do consult the concerned doctor before consuming the infusions of injection as they are extremely prescribed drugs.
  8. Do not try to increase or decrease the dose of cernos depot injection as they are not good for the patient body.
  9. Testosterone undecanoate 1000mg/4ml injection should be used under medical supervision.
  10. Avoid the use of alcohol when the patient is on the consumption of the injection.
  11. If the side-effects persist for a longer time then it should be reported immediately to the doctor.
  12. Do not suddenly stop the usage of this injection as they are not good for the health of the host.
  13. The doses are taken as directed by the concerned doctor in regular time to observe better results.



  • Increase urination at night
  • Nausea
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Dark urine
  • Abdominal pains
  • Yellowing of skins
  • Painful breast pains
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Acne
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Tiredness
  • Increase in red blood cells
  • Pain at the injection site



Some sort of interaction reaction is seen with another type of drug of this sort. However, interaction with some sort of drug is seen positive with the injection.



The injection vials are kept in a cool place at a normal temperature. do not freeze the injection vials as they are not good for it.  A normal temperature is maintained for storing the injection.