
Drug Name:

Paracetamol 120mg per 5ml suspension


International Brand: Panadol/Calpol



Paracetamol 120mg per 5ml suspension are used for the treatment of

  • Pain-relieving
  • Reduction of fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Arthritis
  • Colds
  • Backache
  • Toothaches

The medication has an international brand name of Panadol and an Indian brand name of Calpol.


How does it work?

The exact mechanism of working of this Panadol suspensionis not known so far. However, it is believed that the suspension work by decreasing the body temperature in case of fevers. The suspension did not affect the underlying inflammation and swellings of the joints.


Measures and precautions

  1. Calpol suspension are prescribed by the doctor for relieving various body pains and fever conditions.
  2. The suspension is quick in action. The user relieves pain and fever in a quick time only.
  3. The Paracetamol 120mg per 5ml suspension should be taken at the prescribed time by the doctor.
  4. Take the Paracetamol 120mg per 5ml suspension with the mouth in an oral way. No other means of entertained for consumption.
  5. Avoid the use of alcohol with the consumption of the suspension as it can lead to undesired side-effects in the user body.
  6. The user should monitor their body temperatures using a thermometer to see the effects of the paracetamol tablets.
  7. Inform the doctor in case of having any side-effects from the calpol suspension.
  8. Do not try to consume the suspension more than is prescribed. This can lead to various bad symptoms.
  9. Do not stop the usage of Paracetamol 120mg per 5ml suspension suddenly without any doctor’s guidance. It is not good for the users.
  10. If the user has any allergies regarding the usage of paracetamol then he or she should inform the doctor.
  11. Read carefully the instructions before consuming calpol suspension to reduce the chances of side-effects and other reactions.
  12. Do not lower or increase the doses by yourself. This can cause serious bad effects to the body.
  13. The doses of thesesuspension depend on the medical condition and the disease of the patient.
  14. The medicine should be taken when needed clearly as prescribed by the doctor.



  • Fevers
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pains
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Clay-colored stools
  • Jaundice
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes
  • Chills



Some interaction reactions are observed with another type of drug. So, it is advised to inform the doctor about any other medication uses with the paracetamol suspension.