Alzumab L

Drug Name:

Itolizumab 25mg, 100mg Injection


International Brand: Alzumab


Itolizumab 25mg, 100mg injection belongs to the category of immunosuppressants.  The injection’s infusion is used for the treatment of psoriasis.  The medication comes in an international brand name of Alzumab and an Indian brand name of Alzumab L.


How does it work?

The Alzumab injection has some active ingredients which affect certain immune cells of the user.  This reduces the inflammation process in the patient’s body.  By this process, the medication suppresses immunity of the user.


Measures and Precautions

  1. Itolizumab 25mg, 100mg injection is not recommended for the patients below the age of 18 years.
  2. The doses of the Alzumab L injection are based on the patient ‘s medical history and the immune system of the body.
  3. For different age groups of patients, the doses of the injection are different. The starting dose is mild and after some time, the doses are increased.
  4. Itolizumab 25mg, 100mg injection takes the time of several months to become fully effective in the user’s body. While having this treatment, the users should avoid drinking alcohol and drink plenty of water to keep themselves hydrated.
  5. The injection is infused with the help of a doctor or healthcare worker. It is infused in an intravenous way for the patients.
  6. The doctor should be told about any kind of kidney and liver disease the patient has. This helps in curating a dose for them.
  7. This medication comes in single-use vials which are administered to the users.
  8. It is recommended to use the medication regularly for getting more benefits from it.
  9. Do tell your doctor, if you have any kind of allergies regarding the medicine.
  10. In pregnancy and breastfeeding cases, the injection should be taken with caution.
  11. Store the solution of Alzumab L injection in a cool place out of the reach of small children.
  12. If any side-effects persist for a longer time, then do report it to the doctor. Do not ignore the symptoms of the side effects in any case.
  13. Itolizumab 25mg, 100mg injection reduces the scaly and itchy patches with other symptoms of inflammation like redness, irritation or swelling that develops in different parts of the body.



Following are the side-effects of the Alzumab L injection:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Redness in infused part of the skin
  • Itching in the injection site
  • Infusion reaction
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness



So far, there is no interaction reactions are seen and reported in the Itolizumab injection or medication.