What makes Favipiravir an active ingredient for attacking viral infections?

Scientific researchers continue to produce different active ingredients to combat viral infections like coronavirus similar to flu and fever. The eagerness to develop better formulations is an evolving process. Pharma companies approach manufacturing labs to test their viability to create better and more effective drugs. India continues to lead the market trends for delivery through […]

Despite shortage of vaccines why is India still the best wholesale pharmacy?

Vaccinating people continues to be a challenge all over the world. The major reason is the shortage of vaccines as production has slowed down. Many developing countries still rely on generic medicine exporters in India as a world leader to meet their shortages. India still produces nearly 50% of the required vaccines.   Lotus International […]

A complete guideline to Lotus International Pharma: Globally recognized Indian pharma formulation manufacturer and exporter

The challenge   It is important to have a strong face value in the highly regulated global pharma market. The business is further based on the evaluation of generic drug requirements and end-to-end solutions. They cover the development of APIs, methodology, actual formulations, and tests & trails. Contract manufacturers need to prepare a full dossier […]

From Volume-to-Values: How Indian pharma exports move globally?

Pharma markets across the world are undergoing disruption requiring large-scale solutions. The need for moving from volumes (bulk manufacturing) to providing immense value is bringing wholesale pharma exporters in India intoa new limelight. They play a significant role in improving health statistics with the distribution of generic and branded formulations of medicines.   Without compromising […]

Preventing the next pandemic: How vaccine makers reshape serums with R & D?

Some people are working like the COVID-19 pandemic is over, but it is wrong to presume it’s wrap-up. It created havoc all over the world. However, it also showed the resilience of several vaccine exporters from India who produced serums on-demand for global use. Unfortunately, not all sections of society got COVID-19 injections in equal measure. […]

Types of vaccines India exports to the rest of the world

Thanks to the recent pandemic, the entire world now knows India is a quality vaccine maker. It not only covers COVID-19 but offers immunization options for cholera, polio, tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. Our pharma companies send different types of vaccines from India globally. Exports have seen a rise in the last two years as more […]

Major role of Indian drug-makers in generic manufacturing and supplies globally

India is a major and constant supplier of antiretroviral and Antiviral medicines across the world. In fact, now our drug makers play a major role in generic drugs for pharma companies who require the drugs on a regular basis. Some suppliers of Antiviral medicines from India are considered lifelines for patients who need affordable treatments […]

Why is it important to deal with wholesale pharma exporters?

Understanding the drug supply chain from Asia   Asia is growing and offers opportunities to the rest of the world to deal with top drug makers for better healthcare solutions. On the forefront are wholesale pharma exporters in India, who are recognized globally for their drug supply chain. Standing out from the competition is not […]

Different treatments of Monoclonal antibodies: Indian drug companies dominate global pharma demands

Monoclonal antibodies are in focus as major COVID-19 prescriptions contain this drug formulation. They are also used for treatments of other conditions successfully. In the USA, they are being sold by drug shops when prescribed by doctors. They are the first line of dealingwith illness,and now the FDA has allowed four versions to be given […]

Overview of India’s leading role in Pharma exports globally

For the last few years the pharma industry in India is contributing immensely to increase the economy to make generic, non-prescription drugs and branded products. Added to theseare contract manufacturing companies adding their might in building profits. There are many generic medicine exporters in India who are self-sufficient and take bulk orders to fulfill requirements […]